Unclutter Rooms look neater and become easier for people to imagine living in
Repair Give people reasons to buy rather than reasons not to.
Clean Makes your home more welcoming and gives the impresion it has been cared for. Tidy up; put everything away or in its place. Ensure windows, curtains and carpets/flooring are clean. Remove thick dust. Ventilate rooms.
Kitchen Make sure the work surfaces are clear and clean. Oven, sink and tiling should appear fresh and clean. Make sure there are no unpleasant cooking smells.
Bathroom Remove any lime scale. Clean plug holes and mirrors. Replace or clean shower curtain. Clean toilet, bath and sink. Repair any leaks and replace tiles and grout as needed.
Bedrooms Tidy wardrobes and make sure clothes are put away. Any unrequired items, for example shoes or toys, should be packed away and stored in the loft or garage.
Garage Dispose of any unnecessary items – doing this before your move will save time later on.
Outdoors Make sure you have ’Kerb Appeal’. Looking at your house from the road, would you want to buy it? Keep the lawn neat and mown, tidying the borders. Keep drive, paths, yard and any steps clear. Repair any cracked or broken windows. Repair any external damage to property or fences. Keep the patio area neat and ensure that any garden furniture is in good repair.
General Replace light bulbs as needed.
Refresh any paintwork.
Ensure the property smells fresh.
Keep pets out of the way.
If you have a question regarding the above topic, please contact the editor na.goodwin@venmores.co.uk