Best seller's market in a decade
Over the past year, the housing market has had its fair share of ups and downs.
A lot of people were worried about buying and selling, leaving the market vulnerable at times. Yet despite this, market conditions are keeping to a continual high and exceeding expectations, making it the ultimate market for sellers.
Why is December a good month for home sellers?
The main reason is because the quality of buyers looking to find a home is higher than any other time during the year. If you also combine that with the low supply in available properties on the market, you’ve got the perfect opportunity to grab the attention of potential buyers.
This time of the year is a hectic one, with people spending quality time visiting family and friends. On the property front, it’s also busy, especially with homeowners keen to move within the first few months of the new year.
The main catalyst behind this is that people experience a change in their property priorities, pushing them to seek a new home.
In fact, 78% of UK sellers felt certain that they would sell their property within the next three months and purchase a property during that same length of time.*
Are you eager to match your home with serious buyers?
Get in touch with our team today to make sure your property journey is a valuable one, we're just a single call away!